TFHE COVID-19 Emergency Fund

During this difficult time for our students, families, collective region, and the global
community, we greatly appreciate your contribution to The Foundation for Hispanic
Education’s (TFHE) Emergency Fund developed in response to COVID-19.

Your very generous donation will be used in support of our 1,050 students to ensure the
high quality of services is delivered in this unprecedented shift for our community.

Resulting anticipated increased costs include technological accommodations in
support of distance learning and corresponding updates in compliance with recent local
and state orders. These raised funds will also be designated to families who are
experiencing financial hardship and seeking essential resources at this time.
Thank you for your consideration and investment in the success of TFHE in serving the
families of East San Jose through education. Your support will allow us to continue
preparing existing and incoming students of our community for post-secondary
achievement in Silicon Valley.
Thank You to Our Generous Supporters!
Swenson DCASupportSupport
Want to become a one-time or sustaining TFHE Supporter? Please contact us at [email protected] or at (408) 585-5022 Ext. 1039.
The tax-exempt Employer Identification Number (EIN) for The Foundation for Hispanic Education is 94-2434925 for tax-deductible donations.